Modern Foreign Languages


Our emphasis is on enjoyment, through practical application.

Oracy and Literacy:

  • To be able to communicate is the real purpose of learning a foreign language.

  • We wish to enable children to see that learning another language can be enjoyable and fun.

  • To be able to reach competency in the skills of oracy and literacy. 

Intercultural Understanding:

  • Language is part of culture and learning the culture is a necessary part of learning a language. 

  • To raise awareness and understanding of the cultures of other countries around the world.

  • To link work in the foreign language to other curriculum areas, e.g. ICT, PSHE (feelings), Maths, Geography (map work), Music (songs and movement), History, Art etc. where appropriate. 

Knowledge about Language:

When learning a new language pupils make comparisons with English and/or home language and reflect on similarities and differences.  Knowledge about language supports children in effective communication, both orally and in writing.  It makes them aware of pronunciation and intonation. It helps them investigate how languages work and to adapt language in different contexts.